pH (potential of hydrogen) is a calculation of hydrogen ion concentration. The pH scale ranges from 0-14, zero being acidic and 14 being alkaline, in an aquarium environment different inhabitants require more acidic conditions as low as 6.0 pH level. PH Down is an acidic solution designed to lower pH in treated tap water to your requirements before adding to your aquarium. Replicating specific environments reduces stress for your fish, helps fish health and reproduction systems.
Dosing Instructions:
This product is not intended to be dosed directly to the aquarium if added directly to the aquarium add very slow in a high flow area of your aquarium or sump.
1ml/100L will lower aquarium pH by 0.1
Keep in a dry cool place out of direct sunlight.
Always secure cap on.
Keep out of reach of children and pets. Not for human consumption, If consumed seek medical advice immediately. For aquarium use only.